
Showing posts from September, 2020

The time for political sensitivity is over

Racism is present all over the world, but 52 years on from the ‘end’ of the civil rights movement, racism in America is running wild. And following the first of three presidential debates, it is more evident than ever.  On the stage of Cleveland's  Health Education Campus (HEC) at Case Western Reserve University, Donald Trump attempted to dominate the debate by bullying the entire operation into submission, asserting himself as the strong, alpha male who can lead this country. Instead, he put forth an image of a petulant child who is in too deep. He also confirmed what should have already been obvious: he is racist. When asked about his ending of racial sensitivity training (RST), he responded: "I ended it because it's racist.  If you were a certain person you had no status in life, it was sort of a reversal." He openly admitted that people who wouldn't normally do so were experiencing a reversal to having no status. He added that RST was teaching 'very sick i...